I've had an actor website out here on the world wide web for over 18 years... It might be purty funny and archaic-looking to see what my fledgling Geocities site looked like back in 1997 (before Geocities was acquired by Yahoo in '99). You can choose a color to have as a background, and put a picture up there of yourself?! Cool!
Then, making the leap to Earthlink as my internet service provider in the early 00's, AND getting a website along with it with MegaBytes of space?! Sounds EVEN better. I was having fun building my website on my own, too. A bit clunky and basic, it didn't have any bells and whistles, but I definitely input the code back then and tweaked it on my own, still somewhat proud that I hadn't used a program or third party website builder... just learning how to tweak it with HTML.
Somewhere along the way, when it sounded like getting domain names became pretty easy, I decided to make that new leap to actually own my own domain. It didn't hurt that someone gave me some frank advice beforehand from reading a bio of mine in a play, with 'Are you serious about this being your website address?: home.earthlink.net/~dgarry. Nobody's going to remember that, let alone find that ~ symbol on the keyboard.' Hence, DAVIDGARRY.COM was eventually acquired and created.
Early versions of DAVIDGARRY.COM still seem pretty dated when I look back.
There's been so many changes online and with website building, I decided to make the huge leap and utilize GoDaddy's website builder. SO much easier... and so much better looking, in the end. I can be somewhat of an OCD perfectionist, all about symmetry and all, so this latest incarnation still took a good amount of time for me to put together, and revamp completely from the model I was working from before, but I'm happy with how it turned out. I think it's relatively simple and straighforward, and gets the information across. I'm always open to constructive feedback, though, to enhance the visitors' experience. Feel free to take a little tour... and 3rd mention's the charm: DAVIDGARRY.COM